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New Page Name Change Trick
Page Name Change Over 200 Likes
With Symbol Remove
1.First Open Google Chrome Then Go
To Settings --> Advance Settings -->
Change Proxy Settings --> Lan
Settings --> Change Proxy To New
Proxy :- Proxy:-58.180.4
5.119 ;Port:3128
2.Then Change Category To Local
Business And If There Is Old Address
Then Remove The Old Address
3.Then Go To Translated Name If U
Japanese Then Use This Symbol ッ
Chinese Symbol 人
Korean Symbol ㅿ
Save Then
4.Then Select English (US) If You
Changed Your Name Using Japanese
Symbol Then Change The Language To
Japanese For Arabic To Arabic,
Similarly For Others.
5.Then Change The Language After
Changing The Language Select The
Fifth Box
For Japanese,Chinese,Korean
In The First Box Of Address Put 000 Or
In The Second Box Of Address Put
In The Third Box Of Address Put
Then Save With Map
For Arabic
In The First Box Of Address Put Jordan
In The Second Box Of Address Put
In The Third Box Of Address Put 000
Or 00000
Then Save With Map
Then Change The Language To English
Name Change Is Done

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