Hey! Everyone, I hope you are enjoying our tricks. If you are using Facebook then you must have heard of Facebook Pages! Have you checked your insight? Well we all know due to some changes on Facebook the reach for our Facebook Page is 20% now. We all want more and more likes on our posts and pictures. But you may have seen some big pages of million likes still getting a low number of likes because of low talking about. In this post we will cover some following topics-
  • Increase Talking about
  • Some Precautions
  • Personal Suggestions

 How To Increase Talking about of Facebook Page

As mentioned that because of Facebook latest changes its almost invisible for 80% of your Facebook Fans to see your posts in their news feed. In order to overcome some of these problems you may try some basics methods to increase talking about your Facebook page. See -) Increase Your Traffic via Facebook

Easy tricks to increase talking about of your Facebook Page

Here are some easiest tricks you can try to increase your talking about of your Facebook Page.
  • Tag more and more of your Friends to increase user engagement and thus increase number of likes and talking about.
Increase Talking About of your Facebook Page
Increase Talking About of your Facebook Page
Take an example of this page, it has only 244 likes still talking about is high because it has more engagement and that is due to tagging more of your friends.
  • Get Share by big pages. This is one of the best trick. If you know some of the admins if big pages then request them to share your page or offer him some few money. That’s it you will see a huge increase in your talking about.
  • Like, comment and share trick. Yes this also beneficial, you might have seen many status like “Save this kid by a share” well its sounds cheap but think of alternative of this type of status or pics and force your fans to like comment and share :).
  • Tell your friends to share posts of your page. Tell them to give a live , comment or share.
  • Give freebies and giveaways on your Blog. Get a punchtab giveaway app for your blog. Run a demanding giveaway and attract more and more users.

What you should avoid

Well if you will tag your friends in every status it may annoy them so try avoiding tagging in every status. People will find you a spammer and it will be in negative for your page. Keep posting in your page regularly . Post unique pictures and status that will make your page more and more famous.

Personal Suggestions

Well Talking about is the main aspect that will brought more and more people to like your page and will increase likes, comments and share. Most of the time we forget about posting or due to some reasons we are unable to post. So the solution of this posting is try Facebook Page scheduling its easy. We will post how to use Facebook scheduling to make your page more active. For any query comment below or contact us.

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