How To Find Facebook Profile/Page ID.
Tricks99 is going to explain you now in this post in a simple easy way.
So to find facebook Profile/Page ID,
Click Here
There in the URL field, you will see as,
So now put your Facebook username of the profile of which you want to find by replacing the word 'yourusername' in the URL field with your victim`s username and Hit 'Enter'.
Example -
I want to find profile id of my facebook friend Rupam Baveja,
So in the URL field, I kept his Facebook profile username & results are in this below picture.
His Profile ID - "id": "1273872655",
Similarly to find Facebook Page ID ,
Replace the word the word ' yourusername ' in the URL field with facebook page username and Hit '' Enter ''
Example - For facebook page of mobile9
Page Id - "id": "18245465017"
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