Is anyone irritating you on mobile or with an email? Frustrating you ? and you really don't know who is that ? Then go through this complete article. I am going to talk about some points to find a particular person without having the support of police or any authorized measures. Tracing is pretty much simple because of internet. But internet is not generally helpful in all situations. However there are few methods to trace a particular person. For your convenience I have written this article to give you the solution so that you can quickly have an understanding of how to trace any person. Tracing a particular person is not simple task as much as we consider. We need to have few details of the individual to track him/her. such as Mobile Number, Email Id , Name etc.

How to use facebook to trace the details of a mobile number?


  1. Go to facebook website.
  2. Click on forgot password below the login fields.
  3. You will be asked to enter a mobile number or email id.
  4. There you can simply add the mobile number or an email id that's troubling you.
  5. Now you will see the person's profile pic along with the last three digits of his phone number(if you have entered email id as choice) or a hint to his/her email id(if you have entered mobile number).

    That's it you are done. This can simply give you the information/details of any person who is registered on facebook with a mobile number. - See more at: http://www.trickstown.com/2013/11/how-to-trace-details-of-unknown-person.html#sthash.ppymJAN7.dpuf

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